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Hamstra, C.A., Ampaw, F., & Hornak, A.M. (2021). Incorporating culturally relevant education (CRE) in STEM gateway courses. In L. Parson & C.C. Ozaki (Eds). Teaching and Learning for Social Justice and Equity in Education: Methods and Curriculum Across Content Areas, Volume II. Palgrave Macmillan.

Burke, A.M., Case, S., & Hamstra, C.A. (2021). Mutual benefits of a Michigan TESOL service learning partnership: Learning to teach through service. MITESOL Journal.

Hamstra, C.A. & Bell, A. (2019). Aligning curriculum, instruction, and classroom Assessment in a university English language program. In E. White & T. Delaney (Eds.), Assessment literacy and teacher-made tests in the language classroom. IGI Global.

Ampaw, F., Hornak, A.M., Hamstra, C.A., & Nelson, T. (in publication). Developing culturally responsive learning environments in STEM Education. In Designing Culturally Responsive Learning Environments in Postsecondary Education. Information Age Publishing.

Publications: Recognitions


Publications: Recognitions


April 2021

An article for Study in the USA about a typical day in the life of an international high school student at a private Catholic high school.

March 2020

An article written for the Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) International Teaching Assistant Interest Section Newsletter.

January 2020

An article for Study in the USA for high school and middle school students abroad about the reasons why international high school students enjoy their experiences.

August 2019

An article for Study in the USA about the benefits of a Catholic high school for high school and middle school students abroad who are interested in studying in the US for high school.



Hamstra, C.A. (2023, January). The Language of Learning. FDA and Alliance to Stop Foodborne Illness's Webinar #6: Food Safety Culture Learning: It's more than checking the boxes. Webinar series. 


Bell, A. & Hamstra, C.A. (2019, January). Best Practices for Aligning SLOs, Instruction, and Assessments. Keynote address at CMU Assessment Retreat, Mt. Pleasant, MI.


Bell, A. & Hamstra, C.A. (2018, May). Choosing Textbooks for IEPs Using Objective and Subjective Measures. Webinar for the 2018 EnglishUSA Webinar Series.


Hamstra, C.A. (2013, August). US Culture, US Education, and Teaching English. Universidad Mayor, Instituo de Idiomas, Santiago, Chile.


Hamstra, C.A., Jones, K., & Robey, M. (Accepted 2020, September--Cancelled due to Covid-19). Supporting International Students at US High Schools. National Association for College Admissions Counseling (NACAC), Minneapolis, MN. 

Hamstra, C.A. (2019, November). The Effect of Training and Support on International Teaching Assistants’ Lived Experiences. Round table presentation presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Council on International Higher Education (CIHE) Pre-Conference, Portland, OR.

Burke, A.M., Case, S., & Hamstra, C.A. (2018, October). Reaching Learners through Service Learning: A University and K-12 TESOL Program Partnership. Paper presented at Michigan Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Conference, Ypsilanti, MI.   

Hamstra, C.A. & Thelen, P.A. (2018, January). Using Academic Faculty’s Expectations to Prepare Intensive English Program Students for Academic Success. Paper presented at EnglishUSA Professional Development Conference, Monterey, CA.

Hamstra, C.A. (2017, March). Using Case Studies to Engage, Enrich, and Empower Students. Paper presented at Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages International Convention and English Language Expo, Seattle, WA.

Hamstra, C.A. & Bell, A. (2017, March). Using Multiple Measures to Choose Level-Appropriate Textbooks. Paper presented at Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages International Convention and English Language Expo, Seattle, WA.

Hamstra, C.A. & Bell, A. (2017, January). Choosing Textbooks for IEPs Using Objective and Subjective Measures. Paper presented at EnglishUSA Professional Development Conference, Monterey, CA.

Bell, A.J. & Hamstra, C.A. (2016, October). Selecting Level-Appropriate Textbooks Using Triangulation of Objective Measures. Presented at Michigan Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Conference, Flint, MI.

Hamstra, C.A. & Petersen, D.M. (2016, April). Expanding Cultural Borders through StoryCorps Interviews and Digital Storytelling Projects. Presented at Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages International Convention and English Language Expo, Baltimore, MD.

Petersen, D.M., Hamstra, C.A., Bell, A.J. (2016, January). Measuring Student Learning Outcomes through Collaborative Achievement Testing in an Intensive English Program. Paper presented at EnglishUSA Professional Development Conference, Monterey, CA.

Hamstra, C.A., Petersen, D.M. (2014, October). StoryCorps: An oral history project in the ESL classroom. Presented at Michigan Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Conference, Grand Rapids, MI.

Petersen, D.M., Hamstra, C.A. (2014, March). Flipping the ESL Classroom: Promoting Student Interaction and Engagement. Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages International Convention and English Language Expo, Portland, OR.

Hamstra, C.A., Petersen, D.M. (2013, October). Increasing Student Engagement: Campus, Community, and Service Learning Experiences. Presented at Michigan Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Conference, East Lansing, MI.

Thelen, P.A., Cameron, E., Ritz, A., Hamstra, C.A. (2012, October). A Collaboration in the Pursuit of Civic Engagement through Service-Learning. Paper presented at Intercultural Strategies in Civic Engagement, New York City, NY.

Publications: Projects
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